Should slaves have a philosophy to live by- I think they should as otherwise how are they going to learn and grow in service to their Master?
Here is one possible general slave lifestyle creed. Think of it almost as a slave's religion- her love of her Master.
- I will communicate with complete honesty my needs, desires, limits, and experience. I realize that failing to do so will not only prevent the Master and I from having the best experience possible, but can also lead to physical and emotional harm.
- I will not try to manipulate the Master. I will not push to make a scene go the way I feel it should. In other words, I will not top from the bottom.
- I will keep an open mind about trying things that I am not comfortable with and expanding my limits. I will continue to grow as a submissive and as a human being.
- I will accept the responsibility of discovering what pleases the Master, and will do my best to fulfill his wishes and desires.
- I will not allow myself to be harmed or abused. I know that submissive does not equal doormat. I will be courteous and helpful to my fellow submissives. I will share my knowledge and experience with others in the hope that they will learn and benefit from where I have been. I will take the time to help those new to the scene start out on the correct path.
- I will be responsive to the Master. I will not try to hide what my mind and body are feeling so that I may assist him in his responsibilities as my authority. I know that Dominants are not telepaths, and will not expect the Master to know thoughts or feelings, which I do not share.
- I will accept in the responsibility of a scene or relationship gone bad. I will not place total blame on the Master when it is not warranted simply because Master is the Dominant. I realize that things may not work out, as they should at times, and will do my best to put it behind me and move on.
- I will give my gift of submission only to those that can responsibly accept and desire to receive. I will not place anyone in the position of topping me non-consensual, nor will I give my respect to someone that has not earned it.
- I know that D/s is not a contest, and will never think myself a "better" submissive because I choose to submit on a different level than another. I will not be boastful of the experiences I have had as a bottom.
- I will be obedient to the Master even if I disagree with what Master is requesting. I realize Master has my best interests at heart and often knows better than I what I need in a particular situation.
- I know that my actions reflect upon the Master, and will do my best to help others see him in a positive way. I will not intentionally embarrass or displease my Dominant.
- Above all, I will wear my title of submissive with honor. I will never cause others to think that being submissive means to be weak or sub-human. I will take pride in who and what I am and will never show myself in a negative way.
Since nothing is ever perfect- what would you add or change on this list?
Michael Noel.
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