Masturbation Tasks.
Let's see what you can do.
Try and work your way through the tasks and let us know how far you got. A real whore will have completed a lot of these already !.
1. Masturbate anywhere in a store.
2. Masturbate in a public restroom - (male and female rooms)
3. Masturbate at the computer (if you need assistance, IM me!) -
4. Masturbate watching porno.5. Masturbate watching self in a mirror.
6. Masturbate in the shower or bath.
7. Masturbate with food.
8. Masturbate with a homemade or strange toy.
9. Masturbate in parking lot may be in your car.
10. Masturbate in a Store or Shop dressing rooms.
11. Masturbate in a Public Restroom (outer garments removed(male and female rooms)
12. Masturbate in a Resturant - (on and under the table)13. Masturbate in an Elevator - (a glass one for more risk !)
14. Masturbate with a someone watching.
15. Masturbate while talking to a friend or relative on the phone.
16. Masturbate with frozen dildo (wet plastic one left in the fridge will do!)
17. Masturbate in the woods or park
18. Masturbate in an alleyway .
19. Masturbate with someone else who is naked - [Both male & female]
20. Masturbate before an open window
21. Masturbate while using public transportationtrain, tram, taxi, ferry and probably others
22. Masturbate another as she returns the favour - (both male and females)
23. Masturbate in a public library.
24. Masturbate in a club or bar (love to hear how you get on with that !)
So are you a real dirty whore or not?
comment to let me know if anyone completes all these wanking tasks..
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