Slave requirements *Essentially I am not looking for a wife, a mother, a sister, a lover or a girlfriend. I am looking for a woman to own as my slave for the rest of her life.
You need to be :-
Ø an EU citizen.
Ø a woman who wants to be owned completely (see limits below).
Ø have to be sexually attractive, as you will whore for me part time.
Ø Sane.
Ø 18 years or older.
Ø Ability to relocate to Dublin.
General thoughts.I plan to tattoo you with an ownership mark- undecided yet what and where that will be.
You will sign a slavery contract- this is just another sign to initially prove your seriousness.
Depending on how you currently earn a living- I will decide if that continues as I make you whore for me. I decide how you live, act, dress, work, fuck, look and live.
Interaction with your family and friends- no one lives in a vacuum, so you will continue with your normal family relationships (if you have them) - to them you will still be their sister/daughter/aunt and none of them will know you are now a real slave/whore/piece of meat who is owned by me.
I own you and initially you will not live with me. I plan to slowly (after I train you) immerse your life with mine- in ways you haven’t even imagined. Good things take time.
Once you have proven to me, that you want to be owned until you die- you will then deed to me all your materials possessions- obviously if I own you, then I also own everything you own.
Limits- I am not into scat or blood, as I do want to have a healthy slave.
Unless they are really needed (or to improve your earning potential?) I do not like un-necessary medical body modifications.
If you currently have children- we can mold/design your future life as my slave to allow you to deal with your responsibilities.
Breeding. Only when (if?) I obtain 2 slaves to own- so this will not be an initial issue.
Other limits are what are legal and possible- we can talk these out but I will make the final decision.
How to contact me.
Obviously reply to this blog or an email to, describing yourself, why you need to be my slave, your previous experience and enclosing a facial photo. I will reply and we can start from there. I have had too many time waster contacting me, so I will ask you to prove yourself with some simple initial tasks to prove you are who you say you are and that you are for real.
Michael Noel.
* This is a repeat of the entry I put up on my yahoo profile (