- Have a scar on my hand from a knife fight with a brother.
- Once happily took a bribe of €25,000.
- Have a broken nose from rugby.
- Have owned 5 houses and 4 apartments in the past (I used to move a lot!).
- Have written off 3 cars and 2 motorbikes in crashes.
- Had sex first at 19 with a brother’s girlfriend.
- Been beaten up twice.
- Fired from a job once.
- Love GlenMorangie Whiskey.
- Walked out of a job once.
- Love to spank.
- So far had five people offered themselves to be my 24/7 slave.
- I read about 150 books a year.
- Once offered a bribe of €20,000 to someone and they took it.
- Know of 3 priests who have ‘wives’, 2 of which are female.
- I have a tiny circular scar on my right upper arm, from being stabbed at school (aged 9) with a pencil.
- Expelled once from a boarding school age 16- for being out on a date until 11.30 with a girl.
- Ended up after a truck crash in Rotterdam, getting drunk in a brothel. Brothel had deal of as much drink as you wanted for entrance fee to entice you, but I didn’t have enough money for a woman.
- I am a good cook.
- When I was 19 took a tiny bit of hash and hated it- never taken drugs since.
- I love the movies especially film noir like The Big Sleep.
- Once kissed a famous female newsreader who worked in RTE.
- So far had 2 different homes searched by the Gardai for 2 different reasons.
- I am a Godfather to three relatives.
- Once awoke to find my landlady at the end of the bed blessing me with holy water, to get rid of any ‘infections’ I had brought home from the nightclub. Truly ! and I moved out that day.
- Twice so far bluffed my way into jobs with either fake or no references.
- I love eating chocolate with whiskey- how weird is that?
- I find women half-undressed in lingerie much more sexy than being nude- am I kinky or what?
- I love knowing secrets especially sexual ones.
- With my dominant nature I’d love to own and rent out a whore, except it is illegal in this country!
- Once on a blind date, ended up at a film premiere with an Ambassador’s daughter. Loads of security, film was rubbish but at least she was a happy slut.
- It is odd that over the last few years I have been to funerals of people I have never met. They have always been a relative of someone I know. Life is odd sometimes.
- So far in my life, in different situations and times I have seen 6 dead bodies. Don’t want to see any more.
- My favourite meal is probably Christmas dinner as it always brings back so many great memories.
- I find it very exciting and arousing to lock a man into a chastity device, especially if it is linked to their feminization. Am I not wonderfully wicked !
- Love the forbidden thrill of riding/training a married woman- like spending other people’s money !
- I get at least one blackmail request from people each week.
- I am a member of a political party.
- Once attended a state dinner in Dublin castle using another person’s identity.
- Dogs generally love me, why I do not know.
- Once hospitalized over sun burn.
- Love women in stockings and high heels but then again what man doesn’t eh?
- Once had a great summer riding a soldier’s wife- will the Irish Army ever forgive me?
- I was once appointed as the money laundering officer (to prevent it !) of a financial institution.
- I have always wanted to shag Mary Robinson but not Mary McAlesse- am I kinky or what !?
- Once had to get a fingernail cut off and I remember chatting to the surgeon about Chinese food as he did it. Truly. My hand was very very drugged.
- When I was a child killed a kitten by accident. Put her into the deep freeze to keep her safe. I was four.
- Had sex once separately with 2 sisters.
- Done a husband and wife.
- Now still searching/hoping for a mother/daughter combo.